1. Sessions

Session attributes

Understanding what each session attribute is for

The session name is pretty self-explanatory. You generally want to give it a succinct, but descriptive name that informs people what the session is about. For sessions in the database (explained below), you'll want to give it a unique name that makes it easy to distinguish from other sessions in the database.

The name appears in various contexts, including in the calendar, in the program interface, and in the mobile app where athletes will be following the session.

The session type determines which exercise attribute is used when sorting athletes on the whiteboard. For example, if you want athletes to be sorted by the amount of weight they can lift, then the type would be "Weight." If you want athletes to be sorted by their speed, then the type would be "Speed." (See the Calendar guide for info on the whiteboard.)

Assigning a session to a facility enables FYTT to automatically group athletes into stations within the facility. If you have tablets setup at each station, the tablets will automatically be populated with the appropriate athletes' workouts for the session when you start a session from the whiteboard. (See the Facilities guide for info.)

The description attribute allows you to provide more long-form information about the session. So if you have additional instructions or notes that people need to know about, use this attribute to communicate that info.

The session's workouts are where you define the actual work do be done in the session. When building a session, you can either create a new workout from scratch, or you can quickly add a workout that you've previously created in your workout database (see the Workouts guide for more info).

As a best practice, try to keep individual workouts small and concise. This generally leads to a better user experience for both coaches and athletes, because it's easier to manage and consume information in small chunks. For example, if your session calls for 3 sets of 5 @ 65% for bench press, back squat, and hang clean, then separate out those three exercises into their own workouts.